Tele Design

Tele Design
A rough design for this project

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Hello world!

I have decided to build a telecaster from scratch as a first DIY guitar project. I have limited tools and woodworking ability, so this shall be a lengthy project and will hopefully inspire others to try this for themselves.

I have researched this for about 6 weeks now, learning everything I can about different guitar woods, finishes, woodwork techniques, tools I need etc.

Due to the length of time it will take to complete this project (and money permitting) there may be lengthy periods of in-activity (ie. it will take 3 weeks for the lacquer to set once the body has been sprayed).

I plan to use the best resources possible and not scrimp on any part of the design, hardware or electrics. If I'm going to do this from scratch, it's worth doing properly!

I shall explain as I go along exactly what stage the project is at, as well as tools used and what tasks were undergone etc. I shall try and keep this interesting and avoid all the technical babbling!

Anywho, I hope anyone who reads this gains a valuable insight into this project and the task at hand


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