Tele Design

Tele Design
A rough design for this project

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Finished Product!

Hello world.

So this morning I bounced from my bed and waited for the postman too arrive with the pickups for my guitar....

They look very pretty in the boxes, but even prettier when screwed into the bridge and scratchplate like so:

Once they were soldered in, I screwed the scratchplate, control plate and bridge into the body.

After that, I strung the guitar, set the nut height, installed string trees, set the string height and adjusted the intonation...

So here are numerous photos of different angles.

So there we are, in alot less time than expected I have built an electric guitar. After the strings have settled in and I have finished small action adjustments I shall post some youtube videos or MP3's, whichever I find easier at the time.


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