Tele Design

Tele Design
A rough design for this project

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Finished Product!

Hello world.

So this morning I bounced from my bed and waited for the postman too arrive with the pickups for my guitar....

They look very pretty in the boxes, but even prettier when screwed into the bridge and scratchplate like so:

Once they were soldered in, I screwed the scratchplate, control plate and bridge into the body.

After that, I strung the guitar, set the nut height, installed string trees, set the string height and adjusted the intonation...

So here are numerous photos of different angles.

So there we are, in alot less time than expected I have built an electric guitar. After the strings have settled in and I have finished small action adjustments I shall post some youtube videos or MP3's, whichever I find easier at the time.


Monday, 20 September 2010

Attaching the neck

Hello World!

After going on holiday for 12 days, I returned to find the guitar body dry and ready for some work! Funny that.... It's almost like I planned it to be drying whilst I was away and couldn't mess with it, strange.

I began by lining cavities with aluminium foil to prevent interferance and hum with the pickups.

I've heard mixed feelings on if this actually works, but I figure it couldn't hurt.

I also fitted the jack plate at this time.

These are a pain as they have a small clip the other side of the plate to hold it into the guitar. Hopefully I shouldn't have to ever remove this.

Here is the strap I bought whilst on holiday, along with the neck purchased for £50 on ebay. It is a Korean made maple neck with a maple fretboard.

This is the neck push-fitted onto the guitar.

The join is pretty good for a first attempt. I know where I went wrong this time (not using a straight edge along with the router) so the next guitar will be a better fit.

I found a company on ebay that makes custom engraved neck plates for £17. I feel this had to be done!

I printed the logo onto clear sticky-back paper and cut round it as close as I could to the edges. This was test fitted prior to actually applying it to the guitar.

Before attaching both logos, I sprayed the headstock with a few coats of clear lacquer. This will protect the headstock and means that there is no varient in colour underneath the logo transfer.

Once the decals were applied, I masked off the fretboard, and continued spraying a few light coats of varnish to protect the logos.

Once the final layer of lacquer on the neck had dried, I drilled the holes through the back of the body to attach the neck, using the neck plate as a guide. Using a pencil I marked out the pilot holes for the neck and drilled them, so the wood didn't split. After this, I clamped the neck to the body and screwed the neck on.

The headstock came out quite well. there is a slight line on the edge of the decal, but it's only noticeable if you look up close.

Well this is nearly it for this build. Just gotta buy an upgraded nut along with saddles for the bridge, pickups and machineheads.

So the next post will be the last about assembling the guitar, followed by a post with final pictures and links to sound clips/videos.
